What is Liposuction / Liposculpting?
Liposuction (also known as lipoplasty) is a safe and effective procedure that uses surgical cannula connected to a suction device to remove localised unwanted fat deposits from specific areas. Liposuction procedure in Johannesburg, South Africa, is a popular choice for anyone wanting to remove unwanted fat deposits that contribute to the appearance of unbalanced body proportions.
Common target areas for liposuction procedure are the abdomen, hips, ‘love-handles’, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, ‘bra-rolls’, chin, cheeks and neck. The fat that is removed can be processed and injected back into the body, acting as a permanent 'filler' in areas where volume is required (face, breasts, buttocks or elsewhere).
The liposuction procedure is sometimes referred to as liposculpture because it facilitates the targeted removal of stubborn diet-and-exercise-resistant pockets of fat in someone who is at, or near ideal body weight, thus allowing Dr do Vale to carefully sculpt your body shape. Using modern, advanced liposuction techniques, Dr do Vale can help you achieve your desired body contour with minimal visible scarring. A liposuction procedure may be performed alone or in conjunction with other surgical procedures such as breast and body lifts, abdominoplasty, breast reductions.
Fast Facts:
Length of procedure: 30 minutes to 4 hours (depending on the amount of liposuction required).
Type of anaesthesia: General or local anaesthesia (for small areas).
Length of stay: Day case (overnight or longer for more extensive liposuction)
What to expect post-op: Bruising and swelling over treated areas. Compression garments may be applied to treatment areas.
Recovery time: Most can return to work in 5 to 14 days. Wait for 2 to weeks before commencing heavy lifting or exercise.
Results: Final results are visible after 4 to 8 weeks when swelling has subsided. Results are long-lasting but may vary due to weight fluctuations and skin quality.
Who might benefit from Liposuction/Liposculpting?
The best candidates for liposuction are at or near their ideal body weight and wish to address localised areas of fatty tissue, in an effort to enhance their overall physique. To achieve good results, adequate skin tone is needed to allow the skin to 'shrink down' and ‘re-drape’ the area smoothly without any excess skin. Your consultation with Dr do Vale will determine whether liposuction/liposculpture will adequately address your cosmetic concerns.
Often times, patients wish to combine procedures with cutting down on overall cost and recovery time. The liposuction procedure is particularly suitable as an adjunct to other procedures providing a more comprehensive enhancement. You can discuss your goals and wishes with Dr do Vale, and she will tell you if a combination procedure is possible.
What does Liposuction/Liposculpting procedure involve?
During your consultation, Dr do Vale will discuss and answer any questions you may have regarding liposuction/liposculpting, as well as all options available to you, the risks involved, and the expected benefits and results, so that together you can come to a personalised decision about your liposculpting procedure.Liposuction can be a challenging procedure requiring a 3-dimensional understanding of body contouring and tissues. For this reason, markings are made on the skin prior to going into theatre. Dr do Vale applies great care and finesse to careful planning, preparation and the procedure itself.
During a liposuction procedure, tiny incisions are made, and areas of excess fat are injected with an anaesthetic fluid mixture before liposuction is performed. This fluid provides pain relief and limits bleeding while also expanding the fat compartments to allow the liposuction cannula to move smoothly beneath the skin. A thin liposuction cannula is inserted into the skin in target areas to gently suction out and reduce the unwanted fat pockets until the desired contour is achieved.
Liposuction/liposculpting may take anything from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on which areas are being treated and the volume of fat being removed. Liposuction is usually performed as a day case, but for large volume liposuction or combination procedures, an overnight stay may be necessary. Dr do Vale will apply her skill and appreciation of shape and scale to optimise your body contour and shape.
Recovery after Liposuction/Liposculpting:
For small areas of liposuction, you may go home the same day. For combination procedures or larger areas and volumes of liposuction, you will stay in hospital overnight. Dr do Vale may advise you to wear a specialised compression garment over the treated area. This garment helps reduce swelling in the area, assist with skin contraction, and will help make your new body contours visible a bit sooner.
Most patients experience bruising and swelling, which will take one to two weeks to subside before they are comfortable to return to work. The tiny, discreet incisions may ooze a little in the first few days, but then go on to heal and leave fairly inconspicuous small scars. No strenuous activity should be done during the first two weeks postoperatively. Once the incisions are fully healed, you can ease into your normal exercise routine.
The aesthetic results of liposuction are often long-lasting provided that you maintain a healthy diet and exercise program. It is important to remember that liposuction cannot replace a healthy, active lifestyle, nor is it an alternative to weight loss.
For more information on Liposuction/Liposculpting or to find out if it’s the right procedure for you, request a consultation below or call 0109003999 to schedule your detailed consultation with Dr do Vale.